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Welcome to Hiralal Bhakat College

Hiralal Bhakat College is located in the Rampurhat sub-division of the district of Birbhum in West Bengal. Situated in a backward area, it is a co-education college affiliated to the University of Burdwan. The College has 1.4 acres (5666 square meters) of land and is geographically located in a semi-urban rural area. Situated by the Panagarh-Morgram Expressway, this college is well-connected with the capital and other important places of West Bengal. The College received recognition from the University Grants Commission (UGC) under 2(f) as Hiralal Bhakat College on18th October 1993.

It is without doubt that the goals and objectives of such a college located in a rural and backward area would always be society dependant and case specific. The college started and proceeds with the simple goal of making people conscious, of producing graduated out of first generation learners, of churning out responsible and conscientious citizens for the nation, and of constructing outputs who would be able to control their own destiny and livelihood with their own efforts. Hence, the objectives of the college are to provide the students with education which does not cost much and with minimum facilities under one roof so as to enable them to prosper in their lives and be instrumental in the uplift in the real sense of the term. The same are made known to the students from time to time through the college prospectus as well as college magazines and through interactions with the faculty and staff of the college.

Notice Board

Tender Board

Principal's Desk

Message from the Desk of the Principal ​:


Hiralal Bhakat College,Nalhati,  Birbhum primarily intends to nurture the shelved potential in students providing an ideal platform for them to channelize their creative outbursts and lend expression to their thoughts and views on various aspects in serene manner.

In spite of being situated in an underdeveloped rural set up and having a lion’s share of 1st generation learners as stakeholders we have been successfully selected as one of the four colleges selected by RUSA eligible for being upgraded as a Model Degree College.

Our Institution believes that the purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows, and as such are focused not only on pure studies but also on providing opportunity to each student to explore his or her own capabilities and their area of interest - curricular, co-curricular or extra-curricular. We aim to develop soft skills that will equip them to manage and lead the varied opportunities and challenges of the society with an added edge.

Our teachers are earnestly involved in upgrading the marketability of the academic achievements of our students. They at the same time are persistently engaged in research and publication related activities. This process of inclusive academic growth is the actual USP of our Institution.

The constant growth in information and communication related technologies in the recent past has brought about remarkable changes in various aspects of human life and led to the creation of a knowledge based society where knowledge is the most powerful tool for success. In the context, of being familiar to the latest technical advances in various fields has become an extreme need of the hour. Hence, apart from delivering excellent academic content and development of skills through practical experiences, the students are encouraged to develop interpersonal skills through interaction with knowledgeable resource persons and this entire process is made possible with the diligent involvements of the Non Teaching Staff of our college. They do always attempt to facilitate the process of academic excellence.

We believe that complete development of a student into a holistic person requires active participation of the parents too. Thus our institution is an inclusive holistic body of College Administration, Teachers, Non Teaching Staff, Students and Parents. We believe in team work and we hope for a bright future brought forward by our cumulative efforts.




Hiralal Bhakat College

Nalhati, Birbhum



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